A Letter to You, Kiddo

Dear Kiddo,

I’m taking this time, while I have a chance, to write to you as you dream of Tiggers and Pooh Bears, smiling faces and little fingers, bottles of milk and love, to tell you about what you are made of.

You appear to be the perfect combination of so many interesting people, and with their traits comes abilities, skills, and wisdom. This is what I hope.

Let me tell you what I see:

You have your great grandmother’s eyes mixed with a little of Mommy’s Mom’s too. Brilliant blue grey with a dark blue ring. These will help you see the qualities you value most in others, and the beauty in a sometimes not so beautiful world.

You have your Grandad’s ears from your Mommy’s side. Large and in charge, you will be able to hear when you are needed by others close to you, and I hope you come to their rescue.

You have Daddy’s Dad’s zest for life. You are always busy and active, love to laugh, and have family around you at all times. This is important, and I believe you will get even zesty-er with age.

You have your Daddy’s Mom’s strong legs. These will help you run long distances with great endurance should you need to – hopefully toward good people and away from bad situations.

You have Daddy’s face, which is kind and generous. You look approachable, even now, and I hope you act just that way too.

You have Mommy’s head size (sorry darling) and hands; with these come responsibility to use your big brain and short fingers to think first, then act. Always use your knowledge for good, then do good for others…but also remember you are valuable too.

Your smile is all your own.

You illuminate the room and make others happy. You will be a beacon of light during sad times for those you love. You are cherished, and should cherish others just the same. I hope you do.

And of course you are much more than simply the sum of your parts. Watching you learn and grow, become frustrated and try again, full of gumption even at such a young age…I hope you will succeed to be kind, intelligent and generous. I hope you overcome the struggles life sometimes has to offer, and challenge adversity at every turn. You can do this.

You have all the tools…

Go get ’em tiger.

Love always,

Your Fumbling Mom

1 thought on “A Letter to You, Kiddo

  1. Pingback: A Letter to You, My Youngest Kiddo… | Fumbling Mom
